DNV Risk Management
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關於「DNV Risk Management」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1Combining high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics models ...
DNV has combined high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models with machine learning (M...
- 2DNV GL Brings CFD to Every Desktop - The Maritime Executive
DNV GL?s new ?Virtual Trial? application allows yards and owners to use computational fluid dynam...
- 3Computational fluid dynamics - DNV
An extensive validation of CFD flow modelling ... DNV paper presented at DEWEK 2015, May 2015. DN...
- 4Remote sensing in complex terrain - DNV
Complex terrain conversion factors for Remote Sensing devices: An advanced CFD based approach whi...
- 5高速雙體客船船艏波擊負荷模擬與結構強度分析
密隔艙壁設定適當之邊界條件,負荷則採用二種方法:規範壓力和前述CFD 計算之船殼表面之壓力。分析結果 ... 照CR 以及DNV-GL 高速船規範,驗證其計算值的. 合理性。